Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with Request to Accept the LOW BID of P.A. ATHERTON CONSTRUCTION, INC. and Award the CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT, in the Amount of $316,807.50, with an Additional Authorization of $44,192.50, for a Total Award of $361,000.00 for the 2015 SIDEWALK AND CURB PARTICIPATION PROGRAMS. [City-Wide]
BACKGROUND: The Sidewalk and Curb Participation Programs support requests from citizens and businesses that are interested in improving the sidewalk and curb infrastructure adjacent to their properties. Work under these programs includes replacing eligible, defective sidewalks and curbs and constructing small in-fills in areas that otherwise have sidewalk. These programs include both residential and commercial properties, improve pedestrian safety and accessibility, and can enhance economic development of an area. Sidewalk Participation is an extremely popular program, with requests typically exceeding resources. The City's share of costs for sidewalk replacement is 80%, and the adjacent property owner pays 20%. The City's share of costs for curb replacement is 50%, and the property owner pays 50%.
On June 10, 2014 (Item #14-171), Council revised the Sidewalk Policy to create the Curb Participation program and language to reserve 50% construction funding until June 1st of each season. Neighborhood groups are starting to greatly request and participate in the programs, as word-of mouth and the social network expand throughout the community.
This year, these programs' projects were combined into a single bid letting titled "Sidewalk Participation Program 2015 and Curb Participation 2015," and bids were opened on April 1, 2015 with four bids received as follows:
Contractor Total Bid
P.A. Athterton Construction, Inc. $316,807.50
C & G Concrete Construction Co. $339,616.10
R.A. Cullinan (UCM) $441,162.85
Illinois Civil Contractors, Inc. $453,765.70
Engineer's base estimate: $341,064.00
Staff recommends authorization to increase the base bid of the lowest responsible bidder by $44,192.50 to satisfy additional interested participants.
P.A. Atherton Construction is a local business that has successfully performed work for the City in the past. This company is a Woman Business Enterprise (WBE).
The Good Faith Efforts documentation submitted by P.A. Atherton Construction has been reviewed and approved by the E.O. Manager. The company will be utilizing a WBE and a MBE to provide trucking services that equals for each about 4.4% of the total contract. A second MBE will provide traffic
control services equal to approximately 4.3% of the total contract price.
Mohr & Kerr Engineering & Land Surveying will be performing Phase 3 Construction Engineering services through their Master Engineering Services Agreement previously approved by Council on December 9, 2014. Total engineering on these combined participation programs is 23.2% of the estimated construction cost.
Engineering for the Sidewalk Participation Program and Curb Participation Program has been completed by Consultants with Master Service Agreements since January 1, 2012. The following table shows the past three years of engineering fees associated with the Sidewalk and Curb Participation programs and also includes the proposed 2015 engineering fees:
Year |
Engineering Fee |
% of Engineer's Estimate |
Engineer's Estimate |
2012 |
$ 70,000.00 |
17.6 % |
$397,250.00 |
2013 |
$ 91,010.50 |
25.4 % |
$358,617.19 |
2014 |
$124,802.98 |
24.7 % |
$505,447.52 |
2015 |
$100,000.00 |
23.2 % |
$431,064.00 |
The Sidewalk Participation and Curb Participation programs require a high level of guidance to the property owners and include a large amount of administrative work to process individual work orders. Staff is continuing to look at ways to reduce the overhead cost of these programs.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: Under Item #15-082, Council recently reprogrammed $90,000 from Sidewalk Participation's 2015 Capital Budget to a Special Assessment Project for sidewalk construction on Mt Hawley Road on the east side from High Point to Fox Point. These combined projects are funded in PB1505 and PB1507. The total budget for this combination of projects will be utilized as follows:
Sidewalk Participation 2015 $395,000.00 Construction (P.A. Atherton): $361,000.00
Curb Participation 2015* $ 75,000.00 Special Assessment: $ 90,000.00
Reprogram to Special Assess. $ 90,000.00 Phase II & III Engr (Mohr&Kerr): $100,000.00
City Staff, Project Admin: $ 9,000.00
TOTAL $560,000.00 TOTAL: $560,000.00
*Curb Participation Budget was reduced by 50% from 2014 to 2015 to begin adjusting Capital Expenditures.
NEIGHBORHOOD CONCERNS: Citizens request these programs to improve their sidewalk and curb frontage which improves overall neighborhood aesthetics and walkability.
IMPACT IF APPROVED: Staff can proceed with issuing construction contracts to initiate the 2015 Community Investment Plan's Sidewalk and Curbs Programs.
IMPACT IF DENIED: The Sidewalk and Curb replacement programs will be delayed in the 2015 CIP.
ALTERNATIVES: As Council Directs.
EEO CERTIFICATION NUMBER: P.A. Atherton Construction has current EEO Certification #01838-160331.
1. Attractive Neighborhoods with Character: Safe and Livable
2. Financially Sound City Government, Effective City Organization
1. Invest in our infrastructure and transportation.
2. Reinvest in neighborhoods.
3. Support sustainability.
DEPARTMENT: Public Works