Communication from the City Manager and Community Development Director with a Request to CONCUR with the Recommendation from the HEART OF ILLINOIS HOMELESS CONTINUUM OF CARE (CONTINUUM), for the Funding Allocations of the 2016-2017 EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANT (ESG) to Specified Agencies.
On Tuesday, September 22, 2015 (Item # 15-317) City Council approved a request from the Heart of Illinois Homeless Continuum of Care (Continuum) to be the entity to review applications and make ESG funding recommendations to City Council. With this action, City Council also approved the eligible ESG program components for funding (Shelter Operations, Rapid Rehousing and Homeless Management Information Systems) and a two year award beginning January 1, 2016 and ending December 31, 2017.
In 2015 the City received $141,005 in ESG funds from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to be allocated in 2016. Of the possible seven and a half (7.5) percent allocated for administrative costs, the City reserved approximately six (6) percent, leaving approximately ninety four (94) percent, or $132,005 to be distributed as 2016 ESG funds.
For the 2016 program year, the Continuum recommends funding for six (6) ESG programs from five (5) agencies:
Agency |
Program |
Funding Recommendation |
Percent (%) of the Total Available Funds |
Peoria Friendship House of Christian Service |
Rapid Rehousing Program |
$26,005 |
19.70% |
South Side Office of Concern |
Heart of Illinois Rapid Rehousing Program |
$29,000 |
21.96% |
Dream Center Peoria |
Emergency Overnight Shelter |
$24,500 |
18.55% |
The Center for Prevention of Abuse |
Emergency Safe Shelter for Families Made Homeless by Domestic Violence |
$24,000 |
18.18% |
The Salvation Army |
Safety Net - Men’s Emergency Shelter |
$12,250 |
9.30% |
The Salvation Army |
Family Shelter |
$16,250 |
12.31% |
$132,005 |
100% |
The following describes the application process:
• On Wednesday, October 14, 2015, the ESG Continuum of Care collaborative application and the ESG program application were made available by the City to Continuum member agencies.
• The Continuum created an Ad-Hoc ESG Funding Committee to review, rank and recommend agencies for ESG funding. The Ad-Hoc ESG Funding Committee was comprised of individuals who are Governing Board members.
• The Continuum required interested agencies to submit to the Ad-Hoc ESG Funding Committee a letter of interest by Friday, October 23, 2015.
• Upon review, the Continuum Ad-Hoc ESG Funding Committee approved all programs that submitted a letter of interest to complete an ESG program application.
• All ESG program applications as well as the ESG Continuum of Care collaborative application were due to the City’s Department of Community Development by Friday, November 13, 2015.
• City staff reviewed the six (6) ESG program applications and the ESG Continuum of Care collaborative application and supported the Continuum’s recommendations.
The ESG agreement will be for a two-year time period, beginning Friday, January 1, 2016 and ending Saturday, December 31, 2017. For the 2016 program year, the ESG funds awarded to the City in 2015 will be allocated to subrecipients. For the 2017 program year, the ESG funds awarded to the City in 2016 will be allocated to the subrecipients based upon the percentage of award listed in the above chart.
Upon the award of 2016 funds by HUD to the City, staff will conduct program monitoring and budget amendments. Dependent upon the grant award received in 2016 from HUD, budget amendments may need Council approval if the total ESG grant award triggers the requirements of a substantial amendment.
Staff recognizes and appreciates the required due diligence and cooperation demonstrated by the Continuum in order to recommend the best use of the allocated Federal funds for homeless services.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: The 2015 and 2016 ESG grant awards from HUD to the City will be allocated to the selected ESG applicants through a 2-year contractual agreement (beginning Friday, January 1, 2016 and ending Saturday, December 31, 2017).
NEIGHBORHOOD CONCERNS: None were received by Staff during the ESG application process. The Continuum continues to support the partnership established with the City and the ESG application process.
IMPACT IF APPROVED: Notice of funding selection and ESG subrecipient grant agreements will be executed with the selected agencies.
IMPACT IF DENIED: The 2015 and 2016 HUD awarded ESG funds would not be distributed to agencies for homeless programs. Additional alternatives would need to be investigated regarding funding.
ALTERNATIVES: None identified at this time.
Agency |
EEO Number |
Date of Expiration |
Peoria Friendship House |
00766-160630 |
06/30/2016 |
South Side Office of Concern |
00706-160630 |
06/30/2016 |
Dream Center Peoria |
03015-160331 |
03/31/2016 |
The Center for Prevention of Abuse |
00697-151231 |
12/31/2015 |
The Salvation Army |
00815-140331 |
03/31/2016 |
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DEPARTMENT: Community Development