Communication from the City Manager and Director of Community Development with a Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission and Staff to ADOPT an ORDINANCE AMENDING Existing Use with Approvals as a SPECIAL USE with Waivers in a Class R-6 (Multi-Family Residential) District and a Class R-8 (Multi-Family Residential) District for an Existing NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER, to Allow Parking Lot Improvements, a New Accessory Storage Structure and to Add Property to the Boundary of the Special Use for the Property Located at 800 NE MADISON AVE and 816 NE MADISON AVE, 803 and 809 NE JEFFERSON AVE (Parcel Identification Nos. 18-03-353-007, 18-03-354-001, 18-03-354-003, 18-03-354-012, 18-03-354-013) with the Property to be Added Located at 724 and 814 NE MADISON AVE, 801 and 815 NE JEFFERSON AVE, and 406 WAYNE ST (Parcel Identification Nos. 18-03-353-006, 18-03-354-002, 18-03-354-011, 18-03-354-014, and 18-03-354-009), Peoria IL. (Council District 3)
BACKGROUND: The property owner, Peoria Friendship House, requests to amend prior zoning approvals for a Neighborhood Center to add the following as a Special Use to the existing Neighborhood Center:
1. Parking lot improvements to allow alley access for food pantry pick-up at 800 NE Madison (main building);
2. Add 814 NE Madison (existing structure) to the special use for overflow tutoring and classes;
3. Construct a 1,080 square foot detached garage at 814 NE Madison Ave;
4. Add 801, 815 NE Jefferson Ave and 406 Wayne St (undeveloped lots) to the special use boundary (no development proposal at this time);
5. Add 724 NE Madison Ave to the special use for off-street parking in the West Parking Lot.
The property owner requests the following waivers:
1. Waiver from the condition to replace all non-ADA compliant sidewalks along property frontages.
2. Waiver to eliminate the parking lot perimeter landscaping requirement for the west parking lot, corner of NE Madison Ave and Wayne St.
3. Waiver to eliminate the transitional buffer yard requirement for the west parking lot, corner of NE Madison Ave and Wayne St.
And waivers due to existing conditions:
1. Waiver from the Transitional Bufferyard requirement to allow the existing 4ft tall chain link fence in lieu of a solid fence in the bufferyard of 816 NE Madison.
2. Waiver from sign standards for a Residential Special Use to allow continuance of the existing freestanding sign on the corner of 800 NE Madison Ave which may not exceed 24 square feet in area and 6 feet in height and to allow two wall signs consistent with existing sign sizes at 800 NE Madison Ave.
3. Waiver from building envelope standards to allow the setbacks of existing structures on 800, 814, and 816 NE Madison Ave.
The Planning & Zoning Commission found that the request, in case number PZ 949-2022, met the Findings of Fact and voted 7-0 to approve the request subject to conditions and waivers. After the Commission meeting, Staff met with the property owner to further discuss the parking lot perimeter landscaping and the transitional buffer yard requirements for the west parking lot. The result is the recommendation of waivers 4 and 5. The recommendation includes the requirement to replace all non-ADA compliant sidewalks along property frontages.
The recommendation includes the following conditions and waivers:
1. Replace all non-ADA compliant sidewalks along property frontages, within three years of approval of the special use.
2. Submit a parking plan with two bicycle parking spaces and dimensions of parking spaces and access aisles for compliance with Section 8.1 Off-Street Parking and Loading.
3. New trees in the ROW must be a species approved by the Public Works Department.
4. For the property on the south side of the alley between Wayne Street and Morgan Street, existing landscaping conditions are accepted, until such lot or lots are developed, at which time, development shall include a landscaping plan. Expansion of the recreational use will be subject to buffering requirements.
5. Obtain a Certificate of Occupancy for Classroom use at 814 NE Madison.
6. Health services in the Neighborhood Center may not expand beyond the four rooms (570 square feet) originally used for medical purposes at 800 NE Madison.
7. Any parking lot paving or resurfacing shall be completed by a contractor who is licensed and bonded with the City of Peoria.
8. Site improvements will require stormwater management in accordance with the City’s Erosion, Sediment and Stormwater Control Ordinance.
9. No additional permanent signs shall be allowed, other than are approved by waiver or future amendment to this special use.
1. Waiver from the Transitional Bufferyard requirement to allow the existing 4ft tall chain link fence in lieu of a solid fence in the bufferyard of 816 NE Madison.
2. Waiver from sign standards for a Residential Special Use to allow continuance of the existing freestanding sign on the corner of 800 NE Madison Ave which may not exceed 24 square feet in area and 6 feet in height and to allow two wall signs consistent with existing sign sizes at 800 NE Madison Ave.
3. Waiver from building envelope standards to allow the setbacks of existing structures on 800, 814, and 816 NE Madison Ave.
4. Waiver to eliminate the parking lot perimeter landscaping requirement for the west parking lot, corner of NE Madison Ave and Wayne St, until such time that the parking lot is expanded or replaced.
5. Waiver to eliminate the transitional buffer yard requirement for the west parking lot, corner of NE Madison Ave and Wayne St, until such time that the adjacent property at 724 NE Madison Ave is developed.
See the attached case packet to the Planning & Zoning Commission and meeting minutes for detailed information.
NEIGHBORHOOD CONCERNS (at the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting): Representative of 404 Wayne St, adjacent property, was affirmed the request will not alter access to said address. A letter in opposition to the request was entered into the record. Staff responded that the proposal includes new dumpster screening, new landscaping, and parking lot maintenance to address current conditions. Future development on undeveloped lots is subject to special use review. Staff does not object to the proposed parking lot access from the alley. The property owner responded to comments regarding types of on-site services.
IMPACT IF APPROVED: A special use for a Neighborhood Center will be approved with conditions and waivers to allow parking lot improvements, a new accessory storage structure and to add property to the boundary of the special use. Waivers 1 through 5 above will be granted.
IMPACT IF DENIED: The Neighborhood Center could continue to operate within the parameters of prior Use with Approvals. The property owner would not be required to add new landscaping or resurface the side parking lot. The proposed uses for 814 NE Madison would not be permitted. The boundary of the Neighborhood Center special use would not change.
1. Grow Peoria: Businesses, Jobs, and Population
1. Reinvest in neighborhoods.
2. Grow employers and jobs.
DEPARTMENT: Community Development