File #: 15-140    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Regular Business
File created: 4/7/2015 In control: City Council
On agenda: 4/28/2015 Final action:
Title: Communication from the City Manager and Community Development Director with a Request to Concur with a Recommendation from the Planning & Zoning Commission and Staff to ADOPT an ORDINANCE REZONING Property from a Class I-1 (Industrial/Business Park) District to a Class N-1 (Institutional) District and Approving an OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN for the Property Identified as Parcel Identification Nos. 13-10-201-001 and 13-10-201-002 with an Address of 5801 W ROUTE 150, PEORIA, IL. (Council District 5)
Attachments: 1. Ordinance for ZC 15-13, 2. FINAL Methodist ODP, 3. PZ 15-13 Surrounding Zoning Map, 4. PZ Minutes for Case PZ 15-13
Communication from the City Manager and Community Development Director with a Request to Concur with a Recommendation from the Planning & Zoning Commission and Staff to ADOPT an ORDINANCE REZONING Property from a Class I-1 (Industrial/Business Park) District to a Class N-1 (Institutional) District and Approving an OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN for the Property Identified as Parcel Identification Nos. 13-10-201-001 and 13-10-201-002 with an Address of 5801 W ROUTE 150, PEORIA, IL.   (Council District 5)
The petitioner, Methodist Services, Inc., is requesting to rezone two parcels from a Class I-1 (Industrial/Business Park) to a Class N-1 (Institutional) and to approve an Official Development Plan for the new Methodist College Campus.
Methodist College is proposing to utilize the approximately 129,000 sq. ft. former American Furniture building, located on a 12-acre parcel at the corner of W Route 150 and Sprinkler Lane, for classrooms, labs, administrative office, and other student services.  An 11-acre parcel, located to the north of the American Furniture building will be developed with five, 3 to 4 story apartment buildings providing 480 to 528 dormitory beds for student/faculty housing, parking and a community building.  
The existing American Furniture building will remain largely as-is with minor exterior modifications.  The proposed residential buildings will be constructed of primarily siding material and accented with brick, stone, and/or Exterior Insulation and Finishing System (EIFS).
The N-1 Institutional zoning district requires a minimum 25-foot wide open space setback surrounding the periphery of the site.  The petitioner has requested a waiver to reduce this requirement to 10 feet in width, except for new construction buildings which will adhere to the 25-foot setback.
The proposed site plan includes 379 parking spaces located in the former American Furniture parking lot and additional parking located adjacent to the student/faculty housing.  Student/faculty housing requires one parking space per sleeping accommodation.  Detailed parking layout plans are required prior to issuance of any Zoning Certification to ensure that parking and handicap accessible parking spaces are provided per the Zoning Ordinance
The site has two existing entrance drives from Sprinkler Lane and an additional entrance proposed for the residential buildings.  Sprinkler Lane is a dedicated public street from Route 150 northward to the north property line of the subject parcels.  However, only the southern half of the right-of-way is improved to serve the former American Furniture store.  The development plan includes improving Sprinkler Lane further to the north with a cul-de-sac located just beyond the entrance for the residential buildings.  The remaining undeveloped portion of Sprinkler Lane will be vacated and returned to the subject parcels.  Vacating the right-of-way will be a separate process to begin once the developer submits a vacation plat for approval by Council.
Methodist College intends to re-use two existing freestanding signs located along War Memorial Drive.
Requested Waivers
Requested Waiver
Planning & Zoning Commission Supported
Staff Supported
Reduce the width of the perimeter open space from 25 feet to 10 feet for the entire subject property.
Yes for the former American Furniture parcel only.
Yes for the former American Furniture parcel only.
Allow for a rooftop sign on the existing American Furniture building.
Eliminate front yard landscaping requirements for the unimproved portion of Sprinkler Lane
Current Development
The subject property includes two parcels totaling 23.7 acres.  The southern parcel is 12.4 acres in size and currently developed with a commercial building.  The northern parcel is undeveloped and approximately 11.3 acres in size.  In 1982 the subject property was annexed to the City of Peoria and zoned Class I-1 (Industrial/Business Park).  In 2003, the American Furniture store opened on the south parcel.  In 2006, a Special Use for an outdoor recreation center was approved for the north parcel.  The recreation center was not constructed and the parcel has remained undeveloped.  The Special Use approval has expired.  The parcels are surrounded by County-zoned agriculture to the north, I-1 (Industrial/Business Park) to the west, C-2 (Large Scale Commercial) and I-1 (Industrial/Business Park) to the east and Agricultural to the south.
Analysis and Recommendation
The Planning & Zoning Commission and Staff recommend approval of the request, including certain waivers noted above, and subject to the following conditions:
1)      All wall, roof, and ground mounted mechanical/utility equipment must be screened from street view and residentially zoned districts per the Zoning Ordinance.
2)      All proposed refuse disposal areas must be screened on all four sides by a solid fence or wall with a minimum height of six feet, not to exceed seven feet.  
3)      A lighting plan must be submitted for review prior to issuance of a zoning certificate to ensure that exterior lighting does not exceed three foot candles when measured at the property line.
4)      A landscape plan, in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance, must be submitted for review prior to issuance of a zoning certificate.
5)      Provide pedestrian pathways connecting the student/faculty residences to the college and to Orange Prairie Road.
6)      Payment of a fee in lieu of constructing sidewalks on War Memorial Drive and Sprinkler Lane.  Such fee to be returned to the petitioner if alternate sidewalk connection between the Methodist College and Orange Prairie Road to the designated cross walk (located between Hindoja Global Solutions and Hy-Vee entrances), or an approved alternative location, is completed prior to occupancy of first student/faculty residential building.
7)      Public Works accepts the proposed cul-de-sac, subject to Fire Department comments. The new extension of Sprinkler Lane to the proposed cul-de-sac will not be accepted for City maintenance until the remainder of Sprinkler Lane to the north is vacated.  The petitioner will prepare a right-of-way vacation plat for the existing Sprinkler Lane that is north of the proposed cul-de-sac.
NEIGHBORHOOD CONCERNS:  Two letters of support were received from neighbors residing in the Chadwick Place Subdivision, which is located to the south of the proposed development.
PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION ACTION:  The Planning & Zoning Commission found that the request met the Findings of Fact requirements and VOTED 4 TO 3 TO APPROVE including the requested waivers and conditions of approval.
IMPACT IF APPROVED:   The subject property will be rezoned to N-1 Institutional District and an Official Development Plan will be approved for Methodist College.  The Development Plan includes construction of student/faculty housing, parking, and a community building.  Sprinkler Lane will be improved with a cul-de-sac and the remaining unimproved portion to be vacated upon approval by Council.
IMPACT IF DENIED:  The subject property will not be rezoned and Methodist Services Inc. will not establish the Methodist College.  The subject property will remain vacant/undeveloped.
1. Grow Peoria: Businesses, Jobs, and Population      
1. Grow employers and jobs.      
DEPARTMENT: Community Development