Communication from the City Manager, the Public Works Director, and the Finance Director/Comptroller with a Request to ADOPT an ORDINANCE AMENDING the City if Peoria BUDGET for FISCAL YEAR 2015 to REPROGRAM STORM WATER AND DRAINAGE PROGRAM BUDGETS, in the Amount of $160,700.00, and to Request Use of GENERAL FUND BALANCE, in the Amount of $182,278.00, for Unreimbursed JUNE 2015 STORM AND FLOOD DAMAGES AND COSTS.
BACKGROUND: On June 7, 2015, the City of Peoria experienced the beginning of several severe storms and strong winds. The resulting wind and rain damage and debris required multiple man-hours. Public Works Department crews and contractors cleared debris from the right-of-way, removed unsafe broken trees and limbs, and repaired unsafe walking/roadway surfaces from drainpipe failures and sinkhole hazards. The rains continued throughout the region with waterways and river levels rising. The Illinois River reached flood stage levels in Peoria on June 14th with riverfront structures being directly impacted. The Public Works Department took action to proactively manage the rising waters. The event resulted in being the 8th highest flood on record in Peoria.
Damages were mitigated by sand bagging operations and construction of a temporary floodwall utilizing a rapid install barrier system (RIBS). While not as severe in magnitude as the damages and costs incurred by the April 2013 flood, the current flood presented similar challenges in terms of financing a labor-intensive flood control operation. The Public Works Department has absorbed much of the costs in our FY2015 operating budget. We were anticipating, along with the rest of the region, some financial assistance from IEMA/FEMA. However, after completion of their damage assessment, FEMA concluded that the region did not meet the dollar threshold for financial assistance.
The remaining two unpaid contractors' invoices related to the flood were for JC Di...
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