Communication from City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request for the Following:
A. Approve an AGREEMENT with ILLINOIS-AMERICAN WATER COMPANY (IAWC) for City Reimbursement of IAWC Water Main Costs, in an Estimated Not-to-Exceed Amount of $327,800.00, in Association with the Illinois Department of Transportation's IMPROVEMENT of ALLEN ROAD from Townline Road to South of Alta Road; and
B. Approve and Authorize the City Manager to Execute an AGREEMENT with the ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, in an Amount Not to Exceed $355,660.00 for the City's Participation in Sidewalk, Traffic Signal, and Water Main Costs Associated with the IMPROVEMENT of ALLEN ROAD from Townline Road to South of Alta Road (Location Map Attached); and
C. Approve the Attached MFT RESOLUTION, in the Amount of $27,870.00, for the City's Costs Associated with the Improvement. [District 5]
On April 25, 2014, bids will be received by IDOT for the improvement of Allen Road from Townline Road to south of Alta Road. This project includes traffic signal and intersection improvements to the Allen Road/Route 6 ramps and to Allen Road/Van Winkle Way, the widening of the bridge carrying Allen Road over Route 6, the connection of the Allen Road trail to the Rock Island Trail, the reconfiguration of the Allen Road "curve" at Alta Lane, and the construction of a tunnel for the Rock Island Trail under Allen Road. (See attached Location Map.)
The first item of this communication is an IAWC-City agreement for IAWC to reimburse the City for water main costs which are included in the second item of this communication, an IDOT-City agreement. IDOT does not enter into agreements with utilities for utility work; rather, IDOT requests that the municipality serve as the pass-through funding for utility work.
There are three areas of costs where the City provides partial funding for this project. Please note that all costs are estimat...
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