Communication from the City Manager and the Community Development Director with a Request to APPROVE the APPLICATION INTAKE PROCESS for the 2015 City Roof Repair Program. (City wide)
BACKGROUND: The City of Peoria is an entitlement community with the federal department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). As such, on an annual basis, the City receives HUD funding in the form of three formula grants: 1) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), 2) HOME Investment Partnership grant (HOME) and 3) Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG). The total annual funding from all three formula grants is approximately $2 million.
Each formula grant has its own specific regulations regarding eligible activities and projects. CDBG funding is used by the City for a variety of programming and services that ultimately benefit low income households in the community. For the 2014 and 2015 program years, the City has allocated CDBG funding for housing rehabilitation for owner occupied properties. City Council approved the 2014 allocation of $230,000 to the roof repair program on October 14, 2014 (Item # 14-406). Additionally, with the approval of the 2015 Annual Action Plan on March 24, 2015 (Item # 15-086), City Council approved the allocation of $218,051 from the yet to be awarded HUD funds for housing rehab - owner occupied programs.
Although the City's program year with HUD begins January 1st, grant funds are not typically received by the City until the spring/summer. This delay in fund availability has allowed the City to reserve grant dollars awarded in one program year for expenditures in the subsequent program year. As such, the 2014 program year dollars allocated to the roof program ($230,000) are currently available for use.
The City has use several different application processes for its rehab programming: 1) first come, first serve, 2) one day opening, 3) lottery system and 4) area restriction. Staff continually strives to...
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