Communication from the City Manager and the Police Chief with a Request to APPROVE a SOLE SOURCE PURCHASE of a Target Offender Module and Associated Additional Programming from APPLICATIONS DATA SYSTEMS INC. (ADSi), in the Amount of $133,000.00, from Previously Approved Funds.
Since 1999, the Peoria Police Department has used ADSi public safety software. Applications currently used include field reporting for direct entry/retrieval of incident reports, traffic accident reporting, computer aided dispatch (CAD), electronic ticketing, automated vehicle locator, and GPS mapping for squad cars.
With the implementation of the Don't Shoot Program, and subsequent development of the Target Offender Unit, the need for a searchable and accessible database to associate individuals into groups by gang affiliation and criminal activity became apparent. Existing ADSi applications presently used are overburdened with multiple identical entries with no feasible way of separating and identifying different groups into categories for criminal intelligence purposes. The Don't Shoot Program also requires efficient means to disseminate accurate, often time sensitive, information to officers in the field, other public officials and other law enforcement agencies. During the development of this program it was realized current ADSi applications could be upgraded to work more efficiently. Those upgrades are included in this purchase.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: Funding for this purchase would come from Police Technology-TOU Module Software, CB1552, Account #401-8401-551.53-04. The $133,000 cost includes first year maintenance fee of $8,000. The yearly maintenance fee ($8,000) will recur each year to be paid out of I-S operating budget.
IMPACT IF APPROVED: Police officers will have an integrated system to gather, organize and disseminate criminal intelligence regarding violent street gang and grou...
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