Communication from the City Manager and Director of Community Development with a Request to ADOPT an ORDINANCE Amending APPENDIX A (the Unified Development Code) of the CODE of the City of Peoria Pertaining to SHORT TERM RENTAL USES (City Wide).
Previously, the City Council adopted amendments to the Hotel/Motel License and Non-Owner-Occupied Properties regulations related to Short Term Rentals (STR's).
One final item remains to be adopted before STR's will be legal in Peoria. The attached ordinance amends the Unified Development Code related to zoning. The amendment would create the following allowances for STRs.
* In single-family residential districts:
o If owner-occupied - Permitted Use. Allowed after administrative review.
o If non-owner-occupied - Special Uses. Allowed only after a public hearing and approval by the City Council.
* In multi-family residential, commercial, institutional, and I1 industrial districts:
o Permitted Uses. Allowed after an administrative review.
* In Form Districts (West Main-Local and all R4 Frontage only).
o If owner-occupied - Permitted Use. Allowed after administrative review.
o If non-owner-occupied - Special Uses. Allowed only after a public hearing and approval by the City Council.
As the Council will recall, the only other "middle-way" option that was discussed involved the City sending a postcard to surrounding property owners upon the receipt of an STR application. If an objection was received, the application would have to follow the Special Use process. If no objection was received, the application would follow the administrative approval process regardless of the tenure of the property.
After the last Council discussion on this item, a representative from AirBNB has been in contact with the City. While there are numerous platforms for short-term rentals, AirBNB is the largest listing platform for Peoria locations.
The AirBNB representative stated that AirBNB woul...
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