Communication from the City Manager and Community Development Director with a Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission for One of the Following:
A. ADOPT ORDINANCE A, Approving an Amendment to SPECIAL USE 16,932, in a Class B-1 (Downtown Commercial) District for the PEORIA CIVIC CENTER FACILITIES, to Add Activities at the Corner of FULTON STREET and JEFFERSON AVENUE, and Other Grounds Improvements, for the Property Located at 201 SW JEFFERSON AVENUE, 702 and 720 FULTON STREET; and 109, 125, 129 and 135 SW MONROE STREET (Parcel Identification Nos. 18-09-133-013, and 18-09-202-001 through -005), Peoria, Illinois (Council District 1);
Or, Recommendation from Staff to:
B. ADOPT ORDINANCE B, Approving an Amendment to SPECIAL USE 16,932, in a Class B-1 (Downtown Commercial) District for the PEORIA CIVIC CENTER FACILITIES, to Add Activities at the Corner of FULTON STREET and JEFFERSON AVENUE, and other Grounds Improvements, for the Property Located at 201 SW JEFFERSON AVENUE, 702 and 720 FULTON STREET; and 109, 125, 129 and 135 SW MONROE STREET (Parcel Identification Nos. 18-09-133-013, and 18-09-202-001 through 005), Peoria, Illinois. (Council District 1)
BACKGROUND: The request is to amend an existing Special Use to allow the Peoria Civic Center to add activities at the corner of Fulton and Jefferson and other grounds improvements, including screening near the loading area along Kumpf, as described in the attached Planning and Zoning Commission memo dated July 6, 2017.
On July 6, 2017, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 4 - 0 - 1 (one abstention) to approve the request, with waivers. The substantive difference between the Commission and Staff recommendation is with respect to Waiver #7, and described below:
Waiver #7
(Commission Recommendation)
The Commission voted to waive the requirement to screen "Limited Outdoor Storage" in the Monroe parking lot.
(Staff Recommendation)
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