Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to ADOPT an ORDINANCE Amending CHAPTER 26, Section 26-250 of the CODE of the City of Peoria Designating STANDARDS OF CONSTRUCTION FOR SIDEWALKS.
BACKGROUND: There are a number of neighborhoods in the City that are outside of locally-designated historic districts or monuments that have brick sidewalks in various states of repair. As redevelopment occurs in these neighborhoods, the Public Works Department seeks direction from Council regarding the type of sidewalk to be replaced when dilapidated brick sidewalk is removed. (When brick sidewalks are removed in designated historic districts they are replaced with brick sidewalks. This does not apply to national historic districts or the remainder of the City.)
Staff has been approached by local not-for-profit developers and historic preservation advocates on several occasions requesting various treatment of sidewalks to be replaced as new homes are built on vacant lots. Staff is requesting the Council make a policy decision regarding whether brick sidewalks are to be replaced with brick or concrete where current ordinance provisions are silent on the issue. The recommendation from staff is that the Council adopt an ordinance that requires the property owner to replace the brick sidewalk with brick if it is located within the Local Historic Preservation boundaries and outside those limits it would be the property owner's choice for either brick or pcc.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: Requiring brick sidewalks to be replaced with brick adds a significant cost to sidewalk rehabilitation projects in areas being redeveloped.
NEIGHBORHOOD CONCERNS: Concern exists as to preserving the historic characteristics of certain City neighborhoods, including those that have not been specifically designated as local historic zones. Doing so can increase cost for those trying to revitalize older neighborhoods and may affect th...
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