Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works Requesting Approval of a SOLE SOURCE CONTRACT with PUBWORKS, INC., in the Amount of $69,750.00, for Asset Management Software and Implementation Services for the Public Works Department.
BACKGROUND: The Public Works Department has identified a need to actively manage the City's infrastructure and assets. Currently assets are not inventoried in one database that allows for them to be managed in the most efficient manner.
Public Works staff has reviewed a number of asset management software vendors, including Cartegraph, SunGard, and iWorQ, and has settled upon PubWorks as providing the best product to match the Department's needs, within a reasonable upfront and continuing maintenance price point. A brief description of each vendor follows.
Cartegraph - Excellent software, but too costly for the Department's needs; is more focused on sign inventory.
SunGard - Was slightly more expensive than PubWorks and was in a beta mode. They have only installed it in one municipality. We are looking for a more vetted program.
iWorQ - The least expensive web-based software. Seemed cumbersome and not user-friendly. Staff is looking for ease of use software in order to accomplish quality input.
PubWorks - Excellent Staff fit. Reasonable price point and ease of use. Allows staff to manage and report on assets.
PubWorks software provides a multi-division interface, no restrictions on the number of users, is a comprehensive tool for tracking data on equipment, materials, manpower and inventory, and translates that data into over 450 customized report styles. In addition, the system utilizes data collection through hand-held devices in the field.
Public Works Staff is currently reviewing submittals to perform the asset inventory that will populate this software. Staff will bring back a recommendation on a firm for asset inventory later in February.
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