Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request for the Following:
A. ADOPT an ORDINANCE AMENDING the City of Peoria 2016/2017 BIENNIAL BUDGET Relating to the CAPITAL FUND BUDGET for Fiscal Year 2016 for Certain WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT Relating to the UNIVERSITY STREET PROJECT (FORREST HILL AVENUE TO WAR MEMORIAL DRIVE), in the Amount of $335,418.00, and for the Corresponding Reimbursement from Illinois American Water Company.
B. APPROVE an AGREEMENT with ILLINOIS AMERICAN WATER COMPANY for Reimbursement to the City of Peoria, in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $335,418.00, for Certain WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT Work Being Performed by the City's Contractor, Illinois Civil Contractors, Inc. for Improvements to the UNIVERSITY STREET PROJECT (FORREST HILL AVENUE TO WAR MEMORIAL DRIVE).
C. APPROVE a MOTOR FUEL TAX RESOLUTION, in the Amount of $2,478,728.36, for Construction Contract and Engineering Services for the UNIVERSITY STREET PROJECT (FORREST HILL AVENUE TO WAR MEMORIAL DRIVE).
D. ACCEPT the LOW BID of ILLINOIS CIVIL CONTRACTORS, INC., in the Amount of $2,345,532.42, and Award the CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT with an Additional Authorization of $234,553.24 for Contingencies, for a Total Award of $2,580,085.66 for the UNIVERSITY STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (FORREST HILL AVENUE TO WAR MEMORIAL DRIVE). (Council District 2)
Re: Paragraphs A. & B.): Over the years, several breaks have occurred in the water main under University Street, between War Memorial Drive and Merle Lane. The City has planned to mill and overlay this segment of University Street to create a uniform and smooth driving surface, as well as improve pedestrian walkability, make storm drainage systems more sustainable, and upgrade lighting.
The City notified Illinois American Water Company (IAWC) that the roadway would be improved during 2016. IAWC has agreed to participate by replacing the problematic water m...
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