Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to APPROVE the PURCHASE of REAL ESTATE Located at 2509 WEST FIRST STREET, for the Amount of $160,000.00 Plus Closing Costs Estimated at $5,000.00, as an OPPORTUNITY ACQUISITION for the Improvement of the Intersection of ALTA ROAD and ALLEN ROAD. [District 5]
BACKGROUND: The intersection of Allen Road and Alta Road will be reconstructed as a roundabout this year. City Council approved the roundabout design concept at the November 11, 2014 Council meeting. (Item #14-452)
Previously, on January 14, 2014 the City Council approved the opportunity acquisition for the property located at 2508 W. Alta Road, due in part to the sizeable right-of-way that needed to be acquired from the property to build an intersection improvement. (Item #14-021-B)
In the last two months, staff and its consultant have developed design plans for the new roundabout, including detailed cross sections that show the impact of the proposed roadway improvement on the adjacent properties. The difference in elevation between the proposed Allen Road improvements and the property line at 2509 W. First Street (immediately south of the previously-purchased property) is approximately eight (8) feet. To accommodate the proposed sidewalk between Allen Road and the 2509 West First Street property, the use of a retaining wall would be essential, for which a construction easement as close as approximately 8' from the existing house foundation would be required. That would require purchasing right-of-way coming from the fenced backyard area of the property. The retaining wall and fence replacement would have an estimated cost of $160,000. Even if the City purchases the property, a lower cost wall will still be necessary to accommodate a reasonable slope from the sidewalk to the house. The property, as altered with a smaller side yard, can be resold in the future with the slope bein...
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