Communication from the City Manager and Community Development Director with a Request to Reinstate the TIF FUNDED HOUSING PROGRAMS in the SOUTH AND EAST VILLAGE (SVGC and EVGC) GROWTH CELL TIF DISTRICTS for 2018. (Council Districts 1 & 3)
As a result of the 2018 budget approved by City Council, which eliminated Staff in the Community Development Department, the South Village and East Village Growth Cell Housing Programs were put on hold for 2018. TIF Funds devoted to the South Village and East Village Housing Programs are still being set aside for matching grants in the future, assuming there would be adequate staff to manage such a program. These programs were put on hold, along with the elimination of the Paint and Alley Light Programs for 2018.
If the City Council approves the reinstatement of the TIF-Funded Housing Program the following is proposed:
* The Community Development Department will release an RFP for an organization or other entity to administer and implement the Housing Program for 2018, and possibly subsequent years.
* An organization or firm will be selected based on scoring criteria within the RFP. A recommendation to enter into a contract with an entity to administer and implement the Program will be brought back to City Council on Tuesday August 28th.
o If approved, funds for the administration and implementation of the Program would come from the pool of funds already allocated for EVGC and SVGC Housing Program; which would reduce the amount available for grants.
* The City will provide general Program guidelines, but decisions on applications, general tracking etc., would be determined by the entity administering the Program. The City would solely monitor the Program manager; similar to the process that is followed for organizations that receive CDBG Public Service funds from the City.
* Modifications to the EVGC and SVGC Housing Program guidelines are also proposed, to streamline th...
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