Communication from the City Manager and the Community Development Director with a Request to Concur with the Planning & Zoning Commission and Staff to ADOPT an ORDINANCE Amending Existing Ordinances No. 16,003, as Amended, and 14,254 as Amended, for a SHOPPING CENTER in a Class C-2 (Large Scale Commercial) District to Add/Remove Property and Approve a Building Addition and Parking Lot Expansion for the Property Identified as Parcel Identification Nos. 09-32-451-012 (9219 N. LINDBERGH DR.), 09-32-455-001, 09-32-455-002 (9126 N. LINDBERGH DR.), 09-32-455-003 (9118 N. LINDBERGH DR.), 09-32-455-005, 09-32-455-006 (9106 N. LINDBERGH DR.), 14-05-201-016 (9025 N. LINDBERGH DR.), 14-05-202-012, 14-05-202-013 (9109 N. KNOXVILLE AVE.), 14-05-202-017 (1021 W. BIRD BLVD.), 14-05-202-019, 14-05-202-020, 14-05-202-021 (1101 W. BIRD BLVD.), 09-32-451-014 (N. LINDBERGH DR.), 14-05-201-004 (1116 W. BIRD BLVD.), 14-05-201-005 (8919 N. HALE AVE.), 14-05-201-006 (N. HALE AVE.), 14-05-201-007 (8903 N. HALE AVE.), and 14-05-201-009 (1200 W. BIRD BLVD.), Peoria, IL. (Council District 5)
BACKGROUND: Petitioner Chris Oswald for Kroger Limited Partnership I is requesting to amend two existing Special Uses to:
1) Remove 0.68 acres of property, currently owned by RLI, from its special use boundary and add to the adjacent special use boundary for Kroger. The property is currently part of Parcel Identification No. 09-32-451-014; and
2) Construct a 20,800 sq. ft. building addition to the Kroger grocery store and parking lot expansion.
The Planning & Zoning Commission found that the request met the Findings of Fact requirements and VOTED 5 TO 0 TO APPROVE the request subject to the following conditions and waivers:
1) Provide a revised landscape plan which includes additional parking lot peninsulas, landscaped with trees, along the east property line.
2) Replace non-ADA-compliant curb ramps at the north and south entrances on Lindbergh Drive. Such ...
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