File #: 14-152    Version: 1 Name: Townline Rd Permanent Easement
Type: Action Item Status: Adopted
File created: 4/14/2014 In control: City Council
On agenda: 4/22/2014 Final action: 4/22/2014
Title: Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to Approve Payment to VCNA PRAIRIE, INC., in the Amount of $8,300.00, for a Permanent Drainage EASEMENT on a Portion of Parcel 14-05-101-001 for the TOWNLINE ROAD RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT. [District 5]
Indexes: Goal 1 - Financially Sound City , Goal 3 - Beautiful Peoria, Have an efficient government., Invest in our infrastructure and transportation, Support sustainability
Attachments: 1. Location Map 042214, 2. Plat of PE, 3. Prairie Inc. Document FINAL
Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to Approve Payment to VCNA PRAIRIE, INC., in the Amount of $8,300.00, for a Permanent Drainage EASEMENT on a Portion of Parcel 14-05-101-001 for the TOWNLINE ROAD RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT. [District 5]

City Council Approved Item # 14-005(A) for an MFT Resolution to use State Motor Fuel funds on the Townline Road Reconstruction Project in 2014. An item that arose on the project is on the northeast side of the Townline Road-North University Street curve. An existing public drainage outlet structure exists beyond the limits of the City's Right-of-Way. Staff recommends payment for this Permanent Easement to prevent potential legal action against the City for undocumented public infrastructure on Private land.

The negotiation and appraisal of the Permanent Easement resulted in a fee to purchase a public, permanent drainage easement, including the drainage outlet on 3,700.20 square feet (0.085 acres). The $8,300.00 payment would go toward purchase of Permanent Easement to allow the City access to the concrete and pipe-work drainage outlet area for storm water discharges and maintenance.

FINANCIAL IMPACT: The $8,300.00 Permanent Easement will be paid for by use of State Motor Fuel Tax funds on Project M14002 - Townline Road Reconstruction.

NEIGHBORHOOD CONCERNS: The Permanent Easement will provide better access to and maintenance of the drainage area that will benefit the Townline Road and North University Street corridors.

IMPACT IF APPROVED: Staff can continue to implement the Townline Road project with a Spring 2014 bid. Illinois DOT requires all ROW on State MFT projects to be cleared prior to bidding.

IMPACT IF DENIED: The Townline Road Project will not be permitted for bidding by IDOT, and the Project will be delayed.

ALTERNATIVES: As Council Directs.



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