Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to APPROVE the Following Items Related to the PIONEER PARKWAY EXTENSION PROJECT (RADNOR ROAD to ALLEN ROAD): (Council District 5)
A. An AMENDMENT to EXTEND Funding Obligation AL13412 and AL14355 Associated with a LOCAL AGENCY AGREEMENT with the ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (IDOT) for Land Acquisition Efforts (Project Section #12-00296-01-LA) (See 12-280, 14-09, 15-246 and 17-147-A); and
B. An AMENDMENT to EXTEND Funding Obligation AL13363 Associated with a LOCAL AGENCY AGREEMENT with IDOT for Preliminary Engineering (Project Section #12-00296-02-PV) (See 12-355, 14-046 and 17-147-B).
BACKGROUND: The planning for the extension of Pioneer Parkway began in 2001. The total estimated project cost for the new roadway from Allen Road to Trigger Road is $81 million. (See attached map.) A long-term project of this magnitude requires significant grant support.
The extension of Pioneer Parkway will provide access to 2,700 acres of land in Growth Cells Two and Three, already in the City limits.
Through the assistance of then Congressman Ray LaHood, and then Representative Leitch, the City is using two federal grants in the amounts of $1,000,000 and $1,600,000 to support 80% of the eligible costs for the project efforts to purchase right of way for the section between Radnor Road and Allen Road and to prepare construction plans for the section between Villa Lake Avenue (extended) and Allen Road.
These two grants are expiring in May 2022 (A & B), and IDOT requires that the City execute the "Amendment to Extend" for both grants, which include three obligations total, to extend the terms to May 2026. See attachments.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: Extending the funding obligation period allows the City to continue to be reimbursed for 80% of the expenses associated with ongoing design engineering and land acquisition for the eastern section of the Pioneer Parkw...
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