Communication from the City Manager and Community Development Director with a Revised Recommendation to AUTHORIZE a CONTRACT with MATRIX CONSULTING GROUP, in the Amount of $37,700.00, for a Review and Audit of Building Inspections and Code Enforcement Functions.
Changes since the January 13, 2015 Council Meeting:
At the January 13, 2015 Council meeting, several Council Members requested further information on this item. In response, City staff worked with Matrix Consulting to refine and revise the bid. The revised bid totals $37,700, versus the initial $44,000 cost. The majority of the cost reduction is in the area of fee studies and cost recovery
The following questions were asked at the January 13, 2015 Council meeting.
* Council Member Moore
o Can Matrix use data that has already been collected by City Staff - Yes.
o Can Matrix provide examples of programs that have been implemented in other communities - Yes.
* Council Member Weaver
o Can Matrix focus on how other communities manage Building Safety and Code Enforcement functions - Yes.
* Council Member Spain
o Need to review building codes - this task will be part of the adoption of the 2012 family of building codes, scheduled for early 2015.
The bid from Matrix has two major task areas:
1. Operational and Staffing Evaluation - $28,000
This area addresses the question of how work is carried out, how many positions are necessary to carry out the work, and what the best practices in the field are in the Building Safety & Code Enforcement areas.
2. Fee Analysis and Fee Schedule Development - $16,000 - revised to $9,700
This area addresses how much is charged for permits and fines, how those fees align with comparable jurisdictions, and a recommendation on a revised fee schedule. The initial bid included an additional task that would determine cost recovery for activities undertaken by the Building Safety and Code Enforcement Divisions - ...
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