File #: 17-163    Version: 1 Name: Northmoor Road Improvement
Type: Action Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 5/30/2017 In control: City Council
On agenda: 6/13/2017 Final action: 6/13/2017
Title: Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request for the Following: (Council District 4) A. APPROVE a Local Agency AGREEMENT for Federal Participation with the ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION to Request 70% STU Federal Funding (not to exceed $6,475,000.00) and 80% ITEP Federal Funding (not to exceed $55,431.00) for the NORTHMOOR ROAD IMPROVEMENT - ALLEN ROAD to UNIVERSITY STREET; and B. APPROVE a RESOLUTION Authorizing the City's Estimated Minimum Local Agency Funding Match ($4,769,569.00), Subject to the Approval of the Illinois Department of Transportation, for the NORTHMOOR ROAD IMPROVEMENT - ALLEN ROAD to UNIVERSITY STREET.
Indexes: Goal 1 - Financially Sound City , Goal 2 - Safe Peoria, Goal 3 - Beautiful Peoria, Invest in our infrastructure and transportation, Keep taxes and fees competitive, Reinvest in neighborhoods
Attachments: 1. AGMT NO 17-163 IDOT, 2. RES NO 17-163, 3. Approved BLR 05310C-94-144-05(05-00302-00-PV)_JT C_City of Peoria, 4. Northmoor location map, 5. Resolution re Local Match Funds for Northmoor
Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request for the Following: (Council District 4)

A. APPROVE a Local Agency AGREEMENT for Federal Participation with the ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION to Request 70% STU Federal Funding (not to exceed $6,475,000.00) and 80% ITEP Federal Funding (not to exceed $55,431.00) for the NORTHMOOR ROAD IMPROVEMENT - ALLEN ROAD to UNIVERSITY STREET; and

B. APPROVE a RESOLUTION Authorizing the City's Estimated Minimum Local Agency Funding Match ($4,769,569.00), Subject to the Approval of the Illinois Department of Transportation, for the NORTHMOOR ROAD IMPROVEMENT - ALLEN ROAD to UNIVERSITY STREET.

BACKGROUND: This agreement relates to the fourth phase of the Northmoor Road Improvements, for the section of Northmoor Road from Allen Road to approximately 400 feet west of University Street. (Refer to 05-609, 08-052, 09-153, 09-154, 10-101, 10-327, 11-509, 12-220, 13-147.) The purpose of the agreement is to accept the grant conditions and authorize the matching funds. The grant funds in the not-to-exceed amount of $6,475,000 for general roadway work are obtained through the competitive Peoria Pekin Urban Transportation Study (PPUATS) federal funding application process. The grant funds in the not-to-exceed amount of $55,341 for the bike/walk trail construction are obtained through the competitive Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) application funding process.

The improvement of Northmoor Road includes reconstructing Northmoor Road to a nominal, three-lane section with storm sewer and curb and gutter, a pervious pavement bike/walk trail on the south side, a sidewalk on the north side, and intersection improvements at Allen Road, Imperial Drive, and Rosemead Drive, including combined accesses for Northmoor Grade School, Exposition Gardens, and the Peoria Public Schools Transportation Facility. Other Complete Streets/Green Infrastructure features incl...

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