Communication from City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to Approve the Lowest Responsible Bid of C & G CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, in the Amount of $753,835.84 with an Additional Authorization of $37,691.79, for a Total Contract Award of $791,527.63 for the MANOR PARKWAY RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT (STERLING AVE TO W. MOSS AVE). (Council District 1)
BACKGROUND: Under Item #15-376, City Council approved the 2016-2017 Biennial Budget with the tax levies toward roads and bridges. The funds generated from this levy have gone toward several road projects in the City limits in Year 2016. Manor Parkway was in the first round of residential roadway reconstruction planning for 2016.
The Public Works Department had previously investigated all roadways in the City and assigned a Pavement Condition Index rating to the roadways. Manor Parkway, from Sterling Avenue to west of Moss Avenue, was rated as a 38 on the Index. This roadway can no longer benefit from pavement preservation, and reconstruction is necessary.
In 1988 under Item #88-167, City Council approved a maintenance agreement for Brick Streets. The agreement listed two pages of the city's brick streets to be maintained with Brick. Manor Parkway is an adjacent street to Madison Manor Subdivision, which is included within the memo. Staff believes that it is a good fit for returning to a brick street.
The proposed improvement to Manor Parkway will replace the asphalt roadway with a permeable paver roadway. A perforated pipe network will be installed below the pavers to assist with high-volume storm events. This is a recognized solution for absorbing storm water runoff and holding it in a reservoir rock base that releases the storm flows much slower to the storm sewer system, thus assisting with the wet weather issues.
Manor Parkway Reconstruction was advertised and bids were opened on June 16, 2016 with three bids received as follows:
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