Communication from the City Manager and Director of Community Development with a Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission and Staff to ADOPT an ORDINANCE Approving a SPECIAL USE in a Class R-2 (Single-Family Residential) District, for a SHORT-TERM RENTAL for the Property Located at 5918 NORTH ELM LANE (Parcel Identification No. 14-16-426-007 and 14-16-426-012), Peoria, IL. (Council District 3)
BACKGROUND: The applicant and property owner Bill Kwon, requests to obtain a special use to use an existing four-bedroom, single-family dwelling as a short term rental. The proposal is to have up to six adult guests. Off-street parking is available on the paved driveway and attached garage. A waiver from the front yard fence maximum height standard is requested to allow the existing fence to remain.
At the time of application to the Planning and Zoning Commission, the property is not in a neighborhood association as defined by the Neighborhood Associations Map . The Unified Development Code stipulates no more than 3% or 3 special use short term rentals within a 0.25 mile radius of the subject property. If approved, this would be the first special use approved for a short term rental in this radius. The property does not have recorded private covenants restricting or prohibiting the proposed use.
The Planning & Zoning Commission found that the request, in case number PZ 642-2021, met the Findings of Fact and voted 6-0 to approve subject to the site plan and the following waivers and conditions:
1. Waiver to permit a 4 foot tall wrought iron and brick fence in the front yard. Said waiver applies only to the existing location and length of the fence as identified on the site plan.
2. Fire extinguishers shall be installed according to the 2018 International Fire Code Chapter 9, Section 906.
3. Interconnected smoke alarms shall be installed according to the 2018 International Fire Code Chapter 9, Sect...
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