NEW COMMUNICATION from the City Manager and Public Works Director with a Request to Approve and Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Change Order, in the Renegotiated Amount of $35,000.00, for AMENDMENT #2 to MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT #12-172 with FOTH INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT LLC for Design and Construction Engineering Services for the POPLETT HOLLOW ROAD CULVERT REPLACEMENT. (Also Refer to Item 13-330-B).
At the February 11, 2014 Regular City Council meeting, Council deferred this item to March 25, 2014 in order for Staff to continue negotiations with Foth for this work. During the negotiations, the scope of the work was adjusted and the cost was lowered to $35,000.00. The previously requested fee was $50,000.
Change Orders to Existing Contracts and Agreements
After the heavy storms and flash flooding that occurred in April and June, 2013, one very significant repair issue discovered was the failing culvert and headwalls on Poplett Hollow Road. (See attached images). This 5' diameter culvert is in the regulatory floodplain, and will require specific engineering plans and State permitting. Staff will bring back a construction contract specific to this location.
The City has a current Master Professional Services Agreement (#12-172) with Foth Infrastructure & Environment, LLC (Foth) to provide 2014 Drainage Program Engineering Services in the amount of $225,000 ($785,000 for the three-year contract). Staff estimates a need for an additional $35,000 in final design and construction engineering services for the Poplett Hollow replacement. The City will handle the bidding. Foth has provided engineering services to the City since April, 2012, and has confirmed that they have the capacity for this additional work.
Executing change orders with Foth will allow the needed drainage efforts to continue without a time lag, and with experienced local providers.
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