Communication from the City Manager and the Corporation Counsel with a Request to APPROVE the Revised INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT Between the City of Peoria, Peoria County Treasurer and Peoria County to Authorize the Peoria County Treasurer as the City's Billing Agent to Include the City's REFUSE AND GARBAGE COLLECTION FEES to the Annual Property Tax Bills.
BACKGROUND: At its meeting on December 8, 2015, the City Council approved the Intergovernmental Agreement with the County and the County Treasurer to include the City's refuse and garbage collection fees onto the annual property tax bills mailed out by the County Treasurer. The Agreement included the term that the City is to pay the County $150,000 annually for the County Treasurer to be the City's billing agent.
The only change in the revised Intergovernmental Agreement is in Paragraph No. 6 regarding the City's payment of $150,000 to the County, which will now be divided into two installments, the first one in the amount of $75,000 to be due by June 30th and the second amount of $75,000 to be due by September 30th of each year of the Agreement. This Agreement as revised has been approved by the Peoria County Ways & Means Committee and is scheduled to come before the Peoria County Board at its first meeting in January.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City will realize the annual cost savings of $150,000 by paying the County Treasurer to be the City's billing agent instead of paying $300,000 annually to the current vendor for billing by mail.
IMPACT IF APPROVED: The City will be utilizing more efficient and effective method of billing of the City's refuse and collection fees.
IMPACT IF DENIED: The City will continue to pay the outside vendor $300,000 annually to mail out the City's refuse and garbage collection fees.
ALTERNATIVES: The Council can direct City staff to do the billing of the City's refuse and garbage collecti...
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