Type: Ordinance Status: Adopted
File created: 2/1/2018 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/27/2018 Final action: 2/27/2018
Title: Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to ADOPT an ORDINANCE Amending Chapter 28, Section 83 of the CODE of the CITY OF PEORIA Pertaining to FINES FOR PARKING VIOLATIONS.
Indexes: Goal 1 - Financially Sound City , Goal 2 - Safe Peoria, Goal 4 - Grow Peoria, Have an efficient government., Invest in our infrastructure and transportation, Keep taxes and fees competitive
Attachments: 1. ORD NO 17,556, 2. 020118 DRAFT Ordinance Amending Code Chapter 28 Parking Ticket Rates
Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to ADOPT an ORDINANCE Amending Chapter 28, Section 83 of the CODE of the CITY OF PEORIA Pertaining to FINES FOR PARKING VIOLATIONS.

BACKGROUND: The Parking Enforcement Section of Public Works issues tickets for parking violations throughout the City of Peoria. Currently, they are using older handheld Motorola Parking Enforcement units which were purchased in 1998. These units are obsolete, do not contain current vehicle information and will not be compatible with our new finance software. Additionally, the units are not compatible with our pay by phone parking, which requires the Parking Technicians to carry two separate ticket systems in the downtown area. Public Works has looked into upgrading the handheld units to be compatible with all of our needs; however, estimates of the replacement equipment were expensive, over $10,000 per unit when last checked.

With newer technology available, Public Works has looked in to other options for ticket writing. Once such option is a mobile ticket writing service provided by Passport Parking. This system allows the Parking Technicians to write the tickets on a smartphone and issue them via a hand-held, Bluetooth printer. This system also has the advantage of being fully integrated with the current pay by phone parking, is compatible with our new finance software and has real-time data on vehicle and parking violators. Additionally, it can be instantly upgraded when necessary. The real-time data is crucial in being able to locate violators who are subject to immobilization for failure to pay 5 or more violations (Sec. 28-100), which will lead to increased fine collection. Additionally, the system allows the Technician to take a photo of the violation with their smartphone and print this with the ticket. This added photographic proof will likely lead to less appeals of violations. Finally, this system is e...

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