Communication from the City Manager and the Director of Human Resources with a Request to Authorize the Execution of a CONTRACT with RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES (RMA), in the Amount of $33,887.00, to Administer the Fire Battalion Chief Promotional Examination.
BACKGROUND: The City of Peoria and the Peoria Firefighters Union have established, by collective bargaining agreement, a promotional process for the Fire Battalion Chief position within the department. Pursuant to said agreement, examinations must be scheduled to accommodate the current promotional list of February, 2018, which has been exhausted. The Human Resources department is in receipt of requested proposals from vendors to develop and administer the Fire Battalion Chief Promotional process as required per the Labor Agreement. Sixteen (16) Requests for Proposals were sent out and three (1) responses were submitted by the following vendor:
Resource Management Associates (RMA) $33,887
(The proposed fees above were figured based upon the maximum number of participants taking the examination. The figures could be lower than proposed.)
Illinois Fire Chiefs Association $33,517
FirstIdea, Inc. $50,000
In order to supply reliable and valid testing services, the selected firm must have technical expertise in the area of public safety testing. Those technical credentials provide credibility to the promotional testing process. Resource Management Associates (RMA) is well-respected in the field of public safety and is the vendor that conducted the Fire Battalion Chief promotional examinations in the past few years. RMA was well received by those participating in the testing process. The Fire Department and City administration were also extremely pleased with RMA's professional services provided during the previous testing. RMA's fees are based on the number of can...
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