Communication from the City Manager and the Director of Community Development with a Recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission and Staff to Approve a RESOLUTION Approving the ANNEXATION AGREEMENT for the Property with Parcel Identification Nos. 09-31-129-001 and 09-31-129-002, with an Address of 2713 W. SECOND ST, PEORIA, ILLINOIS (LAST CHANCE BAR AND GRILL).
Current use: Developed as the Last Chance Bar & Grill
Proposed use: No Change
Present zoning: County zoned Commercial2-General
Proposed zoning: C-1 (General Commercial) upon annexation
The property is
surrounded by: North: County zoned Residential1-Low Density
South: County zoned Commercial2-General
East: County zoned Residential-Low Density
West: County zoned Commercial2-General
Future land use
designation: Commercial
Public facilities: Site is currently served by a private septic system and public water.
Acreage: 0.42 acres
The petitioner currently operates the Last Chance Bar & Grill on the subject property. The septic system which serves the property has begun to fail and the petitioner desires to connect to the public sanitary sewer line. Connection to the sanitary sewer line requires an annexation agreement with the City of Peoria. The general terms of the agreement include:
1) Upon annexation, property shall be zoned R-3 Single Family Residential with a request to rezone to C-1 General Commercial;
2) City shall rebate City-levied real estate taxes until the earlier of the following: 1) Property is re-developed, 2) Property is sold, or 3) by January 2, 2020 if annexed, and
3) Upon annexation, City shall process an application for a liquor license.
The property is currently not contiguous to the corporate limits of the City of Peoria as seen on the attached map.
The Planning & Zoning Commission found tha...
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