Communication from the City Manager and the Fire Chief with a Request to APPROVE a PURCHASE of Two (2) Unimac UW 45 Gear Extractors, One (1) Unimac UW65 Gear Extractor and Two (2) Unimac PPE Drying Cabinets from WASHBURN MACHINERY INCORPORATED through the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Award.
BACKGROUND: Cancer in the fire service has become a national problem. The by-products of combustion are becoming more dangerous with today's products and these dangerous toxins have been proven to cause cancer. To help remove these dangerous by-products from the members' structural firefighting gear, it is recommended that the gear be washed in a commercial extractor on a regular basis. For this reason the Peoria Fire Department requested and was awarded a grant from the Assistance to Firefighters Grant program to purchase three (3) extractors and two (2) drying units. These extractors and drying units will be spread throughout the city to allow gear to be washed and returned to service ASAP.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: There will be no financial impact to the City of Peoria. The grant covers all costs associated with the extractors and dryers as well as the installation. The Peoria Fire Department Foreign Fire Tax board has agreed to pay the 10% matching funds needed to meet the requirements of the grant. The grant award is $73,637.00, and the 10% matching funds is $7.363.00.
The bids listed below show the five (5) responding bidders. Hermes Commercial Laundry was removed due to the bidding of an alternate machine than was requested. In reviewing the two lowest bids of Custom Care Equipment and Washburn Equipment, Inc., it was indicated on Custom Care Equipment's bid that they would require the city to install any ceiling or wall vents needed. Facility Manager Jason Meeks indicated that any such venting system needed would come at a higher cost per machine. It was for this reason that the Peoria Fire Department has chosen the bid of $48,192.00 fr...
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