Communication from the City Manager and the Community Development Director with a
Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission and
Staff to ADOPT an ORDINANCE Establishing a Multifamily Plan in a Class R-7 (Multifamily
Residential) District, at 708-716 Wayne Street; 804-812 NE Glendale Avenue; and 709 - 719
Morgan (18-04-434-001 through -005; and 18-04-434-007 through -013), Peoria, IL (Council
District 1)
Proposal, including Conditions
The petitioner requests to establish a multi-family plan at the subject location. Twenty-eight units are proposed. This includes 12 existing units within six duplexes; and 16 proposed units, 14 within one building; and 2 within one duplex. The entire north half of the block, north of the alley; are included in the proposed multi-family plan.
The following conditions are recommended:
1. Items not specifically addressed will be required to meet applicable codes, including dumpster and mechanical screening requirements.
2. All applicable permits must be obtained.
Existing Conditions
The subject property contains 1.42 acres of land. The property is zoned Class R-7 Multi-Family residential and surrounded by R-7 (Multi-Family Residential) and N-1 (Institutional) to the north; R-7 (Multi-Family Residential) to the south; R-6 (Multi-Family Residential) to the east; and R-8 (Multi-Family Residential) to the west.
Analysis and Recommendation
The residential design standards found in the Land Development Code apply to single family, but not multi-family districts. The proposal meets bulk requirements for the R-7 Multi-Family Zoning District.
1. The code allows a density of no more than 20 units per acre, this is met.
2. The code requirement to meet 25 feet of the average of existing structures on adjacent parcels is met.
3. The code requires two parking spaces per unit. Therefore 56 are required; 58 are proposed. ...
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