Communication from the City Manager and Community Development Director with a Request to ADOPT an ORDINANCE Amending the City of Peoria 2017 AMENDED ANNUAL BUDGET Increasing the Community Development Department GENERAL FUND BUDGET by $275,000.00 for Weed and Litter Abatement on Private Property, Reducing Public Works Forestry Line Item in the General Fund by $100,000.00, and Reducing the General Fund Balance by $175,000.00.
BACKGROUND: Over the last few years, the Code Enforcement Division has worked to improve efficiency and output in the services delivered to the citizens of Peoria. Attached to this communication is a report discussing the approach taken by the Community Development Department, a mid-year update on Code Enforcement and demolition activity and an update on the Community Development Departments work to improve tenant education/awareness.
A result of that output improvement has caused the Code Enforcement Division to spend all of the budgeted funds available for weed and littler abatement on private property for 2017. In addition to an increased output, a higher expectation of quality by the City of Peoria and resident of Peoria for the work being performed by the contractor has resulted in an increase of money paid to the contractor per work order. During the two year budget process in 2015, the weed and litter line item was increased but the account was still drastically overspent in 2016.
January to June
Work Orders
In 2016, the Code Enforcement Department budgeted $235,000 for work orders and spent $440,276. The Department is on pace to produce more work orders in 2017 and only $210,000 was budgeted. Failure to approve a budget amendment will result in funds being exhausted by July 14th and the Code Enforcement Division will no longer issue work orders for private property where the owner fails to comply with city ordinances. The recommended reduction in th...
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