Communication from the City Manager and Director of Community Development to ADOPT an ORDINANCE Proposing the Creation of an EAST BLUFF SPECIAL SERVICE AREA within the City of Peoria, Illinois and Providing for a Public Hearing and Other Procedures in connection therewith. (Council District 3)
BACKGROUND: This ordinance is the first step in the creation of a new special service area for the East Bluff. The boundaries of the proposed area are identical to the boundaries of the special service area that has been in place for the past thirty years, as is the proposed levy amount. However, the purpose of the proposed special service area is to provide support funding for the implementation of various programs and services, without specifying what organization will receive the funding. If the special service area is approved, an RFQ will be issued to solicit organizations that are interested in managing programs and services on the East Bluff.
The proposed schedule for the creation of the special service area is listed below.
1. 07/23/19 Ordinance proposing the creation of the area sent to Council.
2. 08/19/19 Public Hearing on the creation of the area.
3. 10/18/19 Objection period for the area closes.
4. 10/22/19 Ordinances creating the area and levying the taxes sent to Council.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: At a levy of 18 cents, the owner of a house valued at $50,000 (EAV $16,667) would pay $30 per year into the special service area. The estimated total annual revenue from the special service area would be approximately $50,000.
NEIGHBORHOOD CONCERNS: NA at this time. Notices will be sent to all property owners within the boundaries of the proposed area. The public hearing will provide an opportunity for comment.
IMPACT IF APPROVED: City staff will move forward with the next step in the creation of the special service area.
IMPACT IF DENIED: City staff will not move forward.
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