Communication from the City Manager and Director of Community Development with a Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Planning & Zoning Commission and Staff to ADOPT an ORDINANCE Amending an Existing SPECIAL USE Ordinance No. 15,862, in a Class C-2 (Large Scale Commercial) District for a SHOPPING CENTER, to Construct a Restaurant with a Drive-Through for the Properties Identified as 6820 NORTH PEARTREE LANE (PIN 13-12-352-003), 6828 NORTH PEARTREE LANE (PIN 13-12-352-004), 4115 WEST PARTRIDGE WAY (PIN 13-12-352-007), 4123 WEST PARTRIDGE WAY (PIN 13-12-352-008), and WEST PARTRIDGE WAY (PIN 13-12-352-009), Peoria, IL. (Council District 4)
BACKGROUND: Petitioner Harold Jenkins of TRI-JEN of Central Illinois Properties, LLC is requesting to amend an existing Special Use to construct a Taco Bell restaurant with a drive-through on the parcel addressed as 4115 W Partridge Way. This parcel is the fourth of five parcels in the shopping center to be developed. Development on other parcels includes Lazy Boy Furniture, CVS Pharmacy, and Car Pool Car Wash. One parcel with the shopping center remains undeveloped.
The Planning & Zoning Commission found that the request met the Findings of Fact and voted 6 to 0 TO APPROVE with the following conditions and waiver:
1) Construct the entire parking lot with permeable pavers or pay an impact fee for the number of parking spaces exceeding the maximum of 30 allowed by-right.
2) Construct a sidewalk along the property frontage on Big Hollow Rd or pay a fee equal to the cost of construction in lieu.
3) Waiver to reduce the required building setback along Big Hollow Road from 100 feet to 76 feet as measured from the centerline of the street and eliminate the requirement for a Setback Encroachment Agreement.
See the attached Planning & Zoning Commission case packet and meeting minutes for detailed information regarding the proposed development.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: An increase in commerc...
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