Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to ADOPT an ORDINANCE Amending the FY2015 BUDGET Reprogramming $90,000.00 from the 2015 SIDEWALK PARTICIPATION PROGRAM to the Proposed Special Assessment Project for SIDEWALK Installation on MOUNT HAWLEY ROAD From High Point Road to Fox Point Drive. [District 3]
BACKGROUND: Last year, the Hawley Hills Homeowners Association requested a sidewalk to be installed on the east side of Mount Hawley Road, from High Point Road to Fox Point Drive. The four (4) property owners who are adjacent to the proposed installation have signed a Petition requesting the improvement under the Special Assessment Program. This is basically one block of sidewalk "in-fill" in a rural section of roadway on the east side of Mt. Hawley Road which would connect the sidewalk system near Kellar School. There is existing sidewalk along Mt. Hawley Road from Knoxville Avenue, past Kellar School, up to High Point Road. Just north of this block of Mt. Hawley Road is a large neighborhood with existing sidewalks.
The Board of Local Improvements convened on Tuesday, February 17, 2015, and subsequently accepted the Petition for the Mount Hawley Road Sidewalk Installation Project, High Point Road to Fox Point Drive. The Board's acceptance and direction to design the project and provide the legal Assessment Roll cannot move forward unless a budget is established for engineering, construction, and legal fees. The Special Assessment program will receive 20% of the applicable construction cost, along with engineering and legal fees, from the affected property owners over a ten year period.
There is no funding for Special Assessment Projects in the 2015 Budget. Unfortunately, the State of Illinois has significantly delayed Safe Routes to School funds for a period beyond 2016. This sidewalk installation does meet the City policy for sidewalk participation, so Staff recommends utiliz...
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