Communication from the City Manager and the Chief Information Officer with a Request to APPROVE the Selection Process and Authorization for Staff to Enter into an AGREEMENT with PLANTE MORAN for Project Management Consulting, in the Amount of $277,300.00.
BACKGROUND: The City of Peoria released RFP# 52-17 seeking proposals from qualified Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP) Project Management Consultants to work hand in hand with the City's project team to manage the successful implementation of Tyler Technologies Munis. The selected consultant will act on behalf of the City of Peoria to help manage the project, resolve issues, remove roadblocks, and keep the implementation on track.
Council approved the replacement of OneSolution core computer information and financial systems with Tyler Technologies Munis software in December 2017. The City's current financial software is more than five years old and is need of updating to better utilize the technological advancements made within the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software segment. The overall goal is to implement a new system that will improve service to the City's residents, businesses, customers and increase employee productivity.
The following criteria was used in the evaluation and selection of the vendor. Each criterion was assigned a maximum of ten points for a total of 110 points possible. Note that this is not in order of priority:
1. Vendor stability and market experience.
2. General knowledge of the ERP software industry and products.
3. Experience working with municipalities of similar demographics to the City of Peoria.
4. Experience with process reengineering in a municipal government environment.
5. Demonstrated knowledge of industry best practices.
6. Experience with all phases of ERP implementation including installation, customization, go-live and change management.
7. Project planning and approach.
8. Team organization and experience of individual team me...
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