Communication from the City Manager and Corporation Counsel with a Request to Approve a Proposed HIGHWAY AUTHORITY AGREEMENT Between the City of Peoria and PREMCOR REFINING GROUP, INC. (Premcor) for the Property Known as 2424 WEST WAR MEMORIAL DR., Peoria, Illinois.
BACKGROUND: As part of the State's Leaking Underground Storage Tank Remediation Program, Premcor, the lessee of 2424 West War Memorial Dr. (formerly 4805 War Memorial Dr.) seeks a Highway Authority Agreement with the City. The Highway Authority Agreement is to put the public and future roadway construction people on notice that there have been several gasoline/diesel fuel releases reported in the area and that caution should be taken if there is excavation in this area. The theory of the program is that the cost of remedying the potential harm far exceeds any harm done by leaving the property in its present condition. Per City policy, the laboratory results have been reviewed by an independent engineer, Anthony Wlodarski, of AMEC Environmental & Infrastructure, Inc. He advises, "there are no engineering or apparent public safety reasons that would prohibit the City from entering in to the Highway Authority Agreement."
This is the same property for which the City Council on September 13, 2011, duly adopted Ordinance No. 16,734 that prohibits the use of groundwater as potable water supply. Please note that although the HAA was reviewed by AMEC in late 2011, AMEC's fee for the independent review was not paid until late October 2014.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. The requester, Premcor, paid AMEC's $600 fee for the independent review.
NEIGHBORHOOD CONCERNS: There were none expressed during the process when the Groundwater Ordinance for this property was adopted by the City Council.
IMPACT IF APPROVED: This property can be redeveloped without incurring inordinate remediation expenses.
IMPACT IF DENIED: The property would be difficult to re-develop.
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