Communication from the City Manager with a Request to APPROVE a FA?ADE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM GRANT for GONE AXE THROWING at 1001 SW WASHINGTON ST, in an Amount Not to Exceed $5,000.00. (Council District 1)
BACKGROUND: Matthew Ruder, owner of Gone Axe Throwing has requested a fa?ade improvement grant of you greater than $4,000 at 1001 SW Washington Street. The improvement will consist of installing a new sign on the second floor fa?ade between two windows (see attached proposed fa?ade). The total project cost is estimated at $6,800.
As a part of the revitalization of the Warehouse District, Council approved a Fa?ade Improvement Program which provides a maximum grant of $5,000 per property for improvements to facades. The Program is intended to encourage owners and business tenants of existing properties to restore or renovate their buildings, in order to improve the area's physical character and enhance the aesthetics of the commercial environment.
To receive this grant, applicants must meet all City requirements including approval from City Council, make the improvements, and submit receipts for reimbursement of 50% of eligible expenditures in an amount not to exceed $5,000. Fa?ade grants are provided on the condition that: a) funds are available, b) proposed improvements are eligible, c) the project is approved by City Council, d) improvements are completed according city code, and e) receipts are verified for reimbursement.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: If approved, the City will reimburse 50% of eligible project cost up to $5,000 and will utilize funds from the Warehouse District Fa?ade Improvement CIP Project D1710.
IMPACT IF APPROVED: Gone Axe Throwing will be reimbursed for the cost of the improvements up to $5,000. This will assist with revitalization efforts in the Warehouse District.
IMPACT IF DENIED: Gone Axe Throwing would delay and or cancel the installation of their sign...
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