Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to APPROVE TEMPORARY EASEMENTS on City-Owned Properties to the Illinois Department of Transportation for the WESTERN AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS from Adams Street to Howett Avenue. [Council District 1]
BACKGROUND: As part of the planned Western Avenue Improvements from Adams Street to Howett Street, temporary easements are required from many adjacent properties to facilitate grading, shaping and working room on a narrow strip of the land immediately next to the Western Avenue right of way. The City of Peoria is the lead agency on this project, but due to the involvement of federal funding, the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) will hold the construction contract.
The city of Peoria owns several vacant parcels of land along this area of Western Avenue. The proposed temporary easements will facilitate the future roadway construction and will terminate in five years. The City will be able to sell or otherwise dispose of the vacant properties in the interim.
The City-owned parcels are listed below and shown on the attached location maps, easement form, and receipt.
Parcel 006 1609 S. Western Avenue, PIN 18-18-479-011
Parcel 007 1605 S. Western Avenue, PIN 18-18-479-022
Parcel 087 703 S. Western Avenue, PIN 18-18-230-021
Parcel 128 1118, 1122, 1200, 124, & 1206 S. Western Avenue, PINs 18-18-156-009, 18-17-156-010, 18-17-156-012, 18-17-156-035, and 18-17-056-036
Parcel 162 730 S. Western Avenue, PIN 18-17-1001-005
The Western Avenue Improvements are scheduled to begin in 2020 and be substantially completed in 2022. The estimated $11 million complete, green street project will be supported with $2.3 million in federal funding.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: All temporary easements are to be granted in the consideration of the total sum of $1.00.
IMPACT IF APPROVED: The Western Avenue Improvements will be accommodate...
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