Communication from the City Manager with a Request to Adopt an ORDINANCE Amending Chapter 18 of the CODE of the City of Peoria Pertaining to Licensing of MOBILE FOOD VEHICLES.
BACKGROUND: Earlier this year, the City Council approved ordinances that would allow food trucks to operate on public rights-of-way, both in Downtown and throughout the City. The ordinances established the following fees for obtaining an annual license that would run from January 1 through December 31 of each year:
Downtown Only
Outside of Downtown Only
Associated with Peoria Restaurant
Not Associated with Peoria Restaurant
The ordinance further provided for half-year licenses (July 1 - December 31) at half the cost of an annual license.
In late October, the City fielded interest from its first potential vendor - Almeida Foods/Corn Country Tamales - who wanted to begin operation in Downtown in November 2015. The applicant asked if the City could pro-rate the annual fee for the final two months of 2015 rather than paying the $1,700 half-year fee outlined in the ordinance. The Legal Department concurred that the City Manager had that authority but suggested that the ordinance be changed to more explicitly allow a pro-rated amount. The attached ordinance pro-rates the annual fee for a Downtown license during a vendor's first year of operation only. The pro-ration is based on whole month increments. For example, if a Peoria-based vendor (normally $2,400 per year) wished to begin operating in March, the fee would be $2,200 for March through December ($200 per month x 12 months). For the following year, the vendor would be required to pay the full amount. A vendor who ceases operation before the end of a year would not be rebated any portion of the fee.
At the request of Councilman Spain, the ordinance was also amended to provide an additional location for downtown permit holders to opera...
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