Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to ADOPT an ORDINANCE Amending CHAPTER 26 of the CODE of the City of Peoria Pertaining to the Commercial Use of Sidewalks for SIDEWALK CAF?S.
Council discussed the proposed Ordinance on May 27th and June 10th and it was deferred to July 8th. Since the June 10th Council discussion concerning this item, the proposed Sidewalk Caf? Program Guide and the Ordinance were presented to the Downtown Advisory Commission. The Downtown Advisory Commission recommended two revisions, which have been made in the attached documents. The Commission recommended that caf?s should be allowed to open at 6:00 a.m. to be able to serve breakfast, and to have music for their customers. The section in the proposed code which prevented music within the caf?s has been removed from the current draft. The Ordinance was also revised at the request of Council for the effective date to be 90 days after Council adoption, in order to allow businesses proper time to comply.
Recently, the City has been making large investments in its infrastructure in the downtown and warehouse district areas. However, Chapter 26 of the City Code governing the use of city sidewalks for commercial uses, such as sidewalk caf?s, does not fit the Strategic Plan's goals of lively and aesthetic streetscapes. In an effort to enhance and better regulate this commercial use of city sidewalk, the attached ordinance changes are recommended. For the expansion of restaurant use onto the right-of-way, these changes provide for the requirements of landscaping, cleanliness of the right-of-way area, and limits of operation.
The recommended changes also allow for this type of use outside of the downtown area, where it is currently limited.
To help promote and explain the new regulations to users, a Program Guide with rules and regulations was also drafted. Attached for review is th...
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