Communication from City Manager and Public Works Director with a Request to:
A. Accept the LOW BID of R.A. CULLINAN & SON, a Division of UNITED CONTRACTORS MIDWEST, INC., and Award the Construction CONTRACT, in the Amount of $1,849,973.56, for the UNIVERSITY STREET ARTERIAL OVERLAY. [District 2]
B. Approve a MOTOR FUEL TAX RESOLUTION, in the Amount of $668,603.50, for Engineering Services and Construction for the UNIVERSITY STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (Nebraska Avenue to Forrest Hill Avenue). [District 2]
BACKGROUND: The City Council had previously awarded the construction contract for the first phase of University Street's Improvement, from Nebraska Avenue through Forrest Hill Avenue, as Item #15-105 to Illinois Civil Contractors Inc. The first phase of construction allows for the curb, gutter, storm drain, sidewalk, driveway, pavement base course, landscaping, and electrical improvements to establish the roadway elevations for the second phase to begin work.
This second phase of construction incorporates the Asphalt mill and overlay along with sections of roadway concrete base patching. This second phase will complete the roadway improvement of University Street from Nebraska Avenue to the north side of Forrest Hill Avenue.
Public Works staff intentionally split the total project contract into two separate project, one to perform the concrete and another to perform asphalt work. Splitting the contract offers more opportunities to contractors, which helps keep bidding more competitive.
The project design was approved by IDOT and the bid letting was advertised locally and through the IDOT Contractor Bulletin on May 21 and 22, 2015. Bids were opened on June 11, 2015 with one bid received as follows:
Contractor Total Bid
United Contractors Midwest (UCM/RA Cullinan) $1,849,973.56
Engineer's base estimate: $1,753,827.05
R.A. Cullinan & Son, A Division of United Contractors Midwest, is ...
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