Communication from the City Manager and Community Development Director with a Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission and Staff to ADOPT an ORDINANCE Amending the OFFICIAL ZONING MAP of the City of Peoria, to Rezone Property from a Class CG (General Commercial) District, to a Class I2 (Railroad/Industrial) District, Located at 3011 SW ADAMS STREET (Parcel Index No. 18-17-309020), Peoria, Illinois (District 1). Case No. PZ 15-2
Petitioner: Olfield Allan, of Barney's Auto Service
Background and request: The subject property is one of the final towing companies under review as part of a project to review the Zoning status of existing tow companies and related eligibility to remain on the official Tow Rotation for the City of Peoria Police Department. This request is rezone the subject property from a Class CG to a Class I2.
Property characteristics: The property is zoned CG (General Commercial), and is surrounded by the R4 (Single Family Residential) District to the north, and the I-2 (Railroad/Industrial) District to the west, east, and south. The property is developed with a towing and impound lot along with adjacent, I-2 property. Property to the Northeast contains two other towing and impound lots.
In 1999, the property was rezoned from I-2 (Railroad/Warehouse Industrial) to C-1 (General Commercial); and a Special Use was granted to allow Car Sales. From 1963 - 1990, the property was zoned W-1 (Warehouse) District. From 1958 - 1963, the property was zoned J (Industrial). From 1931 - 1958, the property was zoned J (Light Industrial).
Staff comments:
1. When evaluating whether a Zoning Map amendment is appropriate, the Commission should consider the holdings from the La Salle National Bank V. City of Highland Park case offer factors to consider in determining whether a rezoning is appropriate:
* Uses and zoning of nearby property
* Diminutio...
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