Communication from the City Manager and Community Development Director with a Request to ADOPT an ORDINANCE Amending Chapter 5 of the CODE of the City of Peoria Pertaining to PROPERTY MAINTENANCE STANDARDS.
BACKGROUND: Over the last two years, the Community Development Department has made major changes to the organizational structure of the Department to achieve greater efficiencies and deliver a more streamlined and effective service to the citizens of Peoria. Over the next few meetings, multiple code changes will be presented to City Council to continue forward on this path.
The attached changes to Chapter 5 of the City of Peoria code are minor adjustments to specific standards and how they are enforced in the City of Peoria. Historically, property maintenance standards have existed both in Chapter 5 and zoning codes of the City of Peoria. The Planning staff is finishing the Unified Zoning Code for the City of Peoria which will be presented to City Council in the near future. The proposed changes remove certain property maintenance standards and sections previously in the zoning code that staff feels belong within Chapter 5 to align with similar property standards. The change will allow for a smoother enforcement process and create less confusion for citizens. In addition to providing a more streamlined process for citizens, this will create greater efficiency within the Code Enforcement Division and allow inspectors greater jurisdiction to address a majority of property maintenance violations on properties.
The code sections that are being removed from the zoning code and inserted into Chapter 5 deal specifically with property standards and regulations. This includes obsolete signage, driveway/parking lot maintenance, and screening requirements.
Concerns raised from Council during first reading:
Gravel Driveways: The current ordinance changes are recommended by staff to be approved as written. New gr...
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