Communication from the Human Resource Director and the City Manager with a Request to Authorize the City Manager to do the Following:
A. ENTER into a 3-Year CONTRACT with UMR, A United Health Care Company, to be Effective 1/1/2018 through 12/31/2020, to Serve as the City's Administrator of its Medical/Dental Benefits and Administer The United Healthcare Choice Plus Hospital/Physician Network; and
B. RENEW for a 3-Year Period the CONTRACT with CVS/CAREMARK, and its Consortium, Employee Health Care Coalition of Ohio, to be Effective 1/1/2018 through 12/31/2020.
BACKGROUND: In 2017, the Joint Labor/Management Health Care Committee conducted an RFP process to review the possibility of changing vendors to administer the City's medical/dental and network benefits that could deliver the highest level of service with an integrated approach for the best price for the City. A key expectation of the Committee was the ability of vendors to offer access to all local hospitals with one administrator with deep discounts. Other important aspects for the Committee was that the administrator would proactively serve as a resource for plan participants, especially those at a high risk of experiencing critical health issues by helping them to effectively manage their health, avoiding escalation of their disease state, encouraging behavior change and working toward wellness.
The City received 6 viable proposals and, after review by the Committee members and its consultant, selected 2 vendors as finalists, UMR-a United Health Care Company, and Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Illinois. The Committee did not bring in the incumbents as finalists, Humana and Aetna, since their proposals were not competitive. During its finalist meeting, Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Illinois indicated they could not provide access to all local hospitals with the same plan design.
The Joint Labor/Management Health Care Committee unanimously voted to recommend UMR-a United Hea...
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