Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with a Request to APPROVE a SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL MOTOR FUEL TAX RESOLUTION, in the Amount of $3,570,615, for Design Engineering, Environmental Inspection Services, and Construction for the UNIVERSITY STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (Nebraska Avenue to Forrest Hill Avenue). [District 2]
BACKGROUND: The University Street project, from Nebraska Avenue to Forrest Hill Avenue, was approved by Council to remain a 5-lane arterial roadway with upgraded 6-foot pedestrian access paths. The previous Supplemental State Motor Fuel Tax (SMFT) Resolution was approved as Item #14-112(B) for design engineering, surveying and right-of-way acquisition costs. This Second Supplemental Resolution will cover the SMFT portion of this segment of the University Street Improvement Project for finalization of design engineering, environmental inspection (including IDOT-mandated inspection and testing of soil at 15 current or former underground storage tank sites immediately adjacent to University Street), and construction costs for the improvement project.
This improvement project (from Nebraska to Forrest Hill) is scheduled for an early spring letting and an early summer 2015 construction start is anticipated. Right-of-way purchase along the west side from Nebraska to Forrest Hill is nearing completion, which will permit this segment to be constructed this year.
This University Street segment, between Nebraska and Forrest Hill, has a rapidly deteriorating asphalt surface and is highly prioritized for a mill and overlay.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: The State Motor Fuel Funds will come from the Community Investment Plan accounts set up for Arterial Street Overlay. $1,070,615 will come from account M14000 and $2,500,000 from account M15000. The total $3,570,615 will be transferred into the project-specific account M12361.
NEIGHBORHOOD CONCERNS: Public Meetings were held in 2013 for the ...
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