Communication from the City Manager and Community Development Director with a Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission to ADOPT an ORDINANCE Amending the OFFICIAL ZONING MAP of the City of Peoria, to Rezone Property from a Class I-2 (Railroad/Warehouse Industrial) District to Class I-3 (General Industrial) District, for the Property Located at 100 CASS STREET, 114 CASS STREET, 115 CASS STREET, and 2026 SW WASHINGTON, Parcel Index Numbers (18-17-258-005, 18-17-258-009 through 18-17-258-012, 18-17-259-008 and 18-17-259-017 through 18-17-259-018) (ORDINANCE A); or, in the ALTERNATIVE, Concur with the Recommendation from Staff to ADOPT an ORDINANCE Amending the OFFICIAL ZONING MAP of the City of Peoria, to Rezone Property from a Class I-2 (Railroad/Warehouse Industrial) District to Class I-3 (General Industrial) District, for the Property Located at 100 CASS (PINs 18-17-259-008 and 18-17-259-017 through -018) (ORDINANCE B), Peoria, Illinois (Council District 1). Case No. PZ 15-22.
Petitioner: Denny Oedewaldt, Prairie Material
Background and request: This request is to allow a rezoning from I-2 (Railroad/Warehouse Industrial) District to the class I-3 (General Industrial) District. The rezoning will allow expansion of an existing concrete batch plant, which requires the I-3 (General Industrial) Zoning District.
Property characteristics: The subject properties are zoned I-2 (Railroad/Warehouse Industrial) District and are surrounded by I-3 (General Industrial) District to the northeast and southeast, I-2 (Railroad/Warehouse Industrial) to the north and southwest, and CN (Neighborhood Commercial) to the northwest. In 2006, property to the north was rezoned from C-2 (Large Scale Commercial) and I-3 (General Industrial) to I-2 (Railroad/Warehouse Industrial). In 1986, property to the north was rezoned from C-3 Commercial to W-1 (Warehouse and Wholesale). From 1963...
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