Communication from the City Manager and Community Development Director with a Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission and Staff to ADOPT an ORDINANCE Rezoning Property from a Class I-2 (Railroad/Warehouse Industrial) District to a Class CN (Neighborhood Commercial), at 1800, 1819, 1828, and 1832 SW ADAMS ST (Parcel Index Nos. 18-17-210-024, 18-17-212-001, 18-17-212-002, and 18-17-212-008) Peoria, IL (Council District 1) Case No. PZ 14-48.
Petitioner: M. Pierre Serafin of UFS Savings Center
Acreage: 2.28 acres of land
Current zoning and use: The property is currently zoned both CN (Neighborhood Commercial) and I-2 (Railroad/Warehouse Industrial) District, as described below, and is developed with retail use and accessory parking.
Proposed zoning: Several parcels are included with this request. The property at 1819 SW Adams is currently designated with two zoning districts: The portion of the property with frontage on Jefferson is zoned CN (Neighborhood Commercial; that will not change with the current application. The remainder of the property at that address, plus the parcels across Adams Street, is currently zoned I-2 (Railroad/Warehouse Industrial), and is the subject of this request.
1. Staff supports the proposed rezoning and finds it to be consistent with the overall goals of the Land Development Code, for which the stated intent is to focus on the creation of mixed-use, walkable neighborhoods.
2. When evaluating whether a Zoning Map amendment is appropriate, the holdings from the La Salle National Bank V. City of Highland Park case offer factors to consider in determining whether a rezoning is appropriate:
* Uses and zoning of nearby property
* Diminution of property values
* Promotion of public welfare
* Gain-loss balance (does the current or proposed zoning deny reasonable economic use)
* Suitability as zoned
* Length of time...
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