Communication from City Manager and the Director of Public Works with a Request for the Following:
A. ADOPT an ORDINANCE Amending the City of Peoria BUDGET for Fiscal Year 2015 to Transfer Funds from the General Fund to the Capital Fund, in the Amount of $250,000.00, for the Purchase of a Pavement Striping Truck and Pavement Grinding Vehicle.
B. AUTHORIZE the PURCHASE of a Two-Component PAVEMENT STRIPING TRUCK from MARK RITE LINES EQUIPMENT COMPANY INC. of Billings, Montana, in the Amount of $550,000.00, and a PAVEMENT GRINDING VEHICLE from DICKSON INDUSTRIES, INC. of Tecumseh, Oklahoma, in the Amount of $295,000.00.
BACKGROUND: Public Works maintains a large amount of roadway striping within the city. The amount of roadway striping increases every year as a result of roadway construction, additional bike lanes and road diet projects. These markings include:
* 1,550,000 feet (293 miles) of centerline, bike lanes and edge lines on roadways
* 218,000 feet of intersection striping (crosswalks and stop bars)
* 17,000 feet of school crosswalks
* Hundreds of roadway symbols (arrows, bike and h/c symbols)
Using the thermoplastic truck and materials, we are experiencing about 1 year of serviceable life on concrete-and 2 years on bituminous-pavement for the markings. This means that we need to restripe the concrete streets every year and bituminous roadways every year or two, for an average of about 1.5 years of service life. The proposed new equipment will utilize modified urethane, which is more durable than thermoplastic, with 2-3 years of life on concrete (longer on bituminous). Inlaying the modified urethane will allow us to get maximum service life out of our pavement markings, up to 6-7 years.
The cost of thermoplastic material to stripe 293 miles of lines at $410/mile is approximately $120,000. The cost of modified urethane to stripe 293 miles at $930/mile is approximately $272,500. Since the modif...
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