Communication from the City Manager and Interim Director of Public Works with a Request to ACCEPT the Low Bid and AWARD a CONTRACT to KREILING ROOFING for the Roof Replacement at Fire Station 15 and Fire Station 16, in the Total Amount of $145,997.00.
BACKGROUND: The City of Peoria Community Investment Plan provides for the maintenance and repair of City Buildings. The Public Works Facility Operations Division has identified the Roof at Fire Station 15 and Fire Station 16 both needing replacement. The roof has had numerous repairs over the years. Replacing the 7,130 sq. ft. roof at Station 16 and the 5,844 sq. ft. roof at Station 15 will keep from damaging the other components of the building and save on costly repairs.
An advertisement for bids was published on January 30th, 2019. Three (3) bids were received and opened on February 21, 2019. The bids received are as follows:
Contractor Station 15 Station 16 Discount price for both
Kreiling Roofing $77,097 $71,950 $145,997
Western Waterproofing $85,709 $73,367 $153,074
Top Quality Roofing $84,900 $69,600 $151,800
Kreiling Roofing is a Woman Business Enterprise that has successfully performed work of this nature for the City in the past.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: Funding for this project is in the 2019 Capital Improvement Plan. Fire Station 15 A1904 ($83,000 budgeted) and Fire Station 16 A1905 ($75,000 budgeted for the roof).
IMPACT IF APPROVED: The Roof will be replaced as planned.
IMPACT IF DENIED: The roof will continue to deteriorate and will require more maintenance to keep the roof from leaking, which will cause more damage to the interior of the building.
EEO CERTIFICATION NUMBER: Kreiling roofing has a current EEO Certifi...
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