Communication from the City Manager and the Community Development Department Director with a Request to Concur with the Recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission and Staff to ADOPT an ORDINANCE Amending the SPECIAL USE Granted in Ordinance 14,319, as Amended through Ordinance 16,267, in a Class R-3 (Single Family Residential) District, for a Church, to Allow a New Monument Sign, for the Property Located at 6001 N. UNIVERSITY (14-17-326-006), 1315 W. CHEROKEE LANE (14-17-326-007), and 1318 W. CHEROKEE LANE (14-17-327-001), Peoria, IL, (Council District 4).
Proposal, including Waiver
The petitioner requests to place a monument sign, 4 feet in height, 40 square feet, with an 18' foot setback, in the front yard of the existing Church along University. Per Zoning Ordinance Section 17.11.C, the maximum allowed size for a residential district, special use free-standing sign is 20 square feet; therefore a WAIVER of 20 square feet is requested.
Existing Conditions
The 12.89 acre subject property is zoned R-3 (Single Family Residential) District, and is surrounded by the R-6 (Multi-Family Residential) and O1 (Arterial Office) Districts to the west; O1 (Arterial Office) District and R-2 (Single Family Residential) Districts to the east; O-1 (Arterial Office), the C-1 (General Commercial) and R-3 (Single Family Residential) Districts to the north; and R-3 (Single Family Residential) District to the south.
From 1990 to 2012, the property was zoned R-3 (Single Family), and surrounded by the R-6 (Multi-Family Residential) and O1 (Arterial Office) Districts to the west; O1 (Arterial Office) District and R-2 (Single Family Residential) Districts to the east; O-1 (Arterial Office), the C-1 (General Commercial) and R-3 (Single Family Residential) Districts to the north; and R-3 (Single Family Residential) District to the south.
The property was rezoned from R-2 (Medium Density) Residential to R-1 ...
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