Communication from the City Manager with a Request to Approve the 2015-2030 City Council STRATEGIC PLAN.
BACKGROUND: The City Council met in May 2015 and August 2015 to update the 15-year Strategic Plan. The strategic plan process was initiated to ensure that the Council, staff, and the public clearly understand the Council's vision for the future and have a shared policy and management roadmap to achieve it.
The strategic plan includes the following key elements:
* A long-term Vision Statement with defined, value-based principles that describe the preferred future in 15 years for the City of Peoria;
* Four mid-range Goals with measurable objectives that become the major focus areas for the City of Peoria over the next 5 years;
* A Plan to realize the Vision and achieve the Goals with an analysis of major challenges and opportunities and specific actions over the next 5 years;
* A Policy Agenda for 2015-16 that includes a list of top, high and moderate priority actions for the Mayor and Council to address during the next year;
* A Management Agenda for 2015-16 that includes a list of top, high and moderate priority management and administrative actions for the next year;
* A list of key Projects or current Management Actions to be completed or requiring significant work for the next year;
* A Mission Statement that defines the responsibilities of the City of Peoria; and
* A set of Core Values that establishes how the City of Peoria will operate.
The long-term Vision Statement:
Peoria 2030 is a safe, beautiful, and growing city. Peoria 2030 has a vibrant downtown, and a choice of great neighborhoods with character. Peoria 2030 has a strong economy, and connectivity within the city and to the world. Peoria 2030 has a culture of educational excellence, responsibility and accountability.
The four mid-range Goals are:
* Financially Sound City Government, Effective City Organization
* Grow Peoria: Bu...
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